Monday, August 24, 2015

Journal Refresh #2

I posted something like this early in July, a list of articles I had read up to that point and thought were interesting. And this is the second post in the series.

  • Ledford  H.,(2015): CRISPR, the disruptor,  Nature 522, 20–24

  • Reardon S.,(2015): DNA editing in mouse embryos prevents disease, in Nature, News

  • Reardon S.,(2015): Ethics of embryo editing paper divides scientists, in Nature

  • Laird D.W.,Lampe D.P., Johnson G.R.,(2015): Defects in structures that connect cells underlie many diseases, Scientific American 312, no.5

  • Kwon D., (2015): What are you doing with my DNA?, Scientific American online

  • Courage H. K.(2015): Octopus Genome Reveals Secrets to Complex Intelligence, Scientific American online, also read about it in Nature 


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