Monday, July 13, 2015

Journal Refresh

I read some awesome articles in the past few months that I think are worth mentioning in a post. This is also a good way for me to keep track of pieces of writing that I really enjoyed reading and I thought I might as well share them with you even if they're going to make a small post.
-In no particular order-

  • Deng B.,(2015): The robot's dilemma, Nature 523, No.7558, 24-26       
  • Hilton D.,(2015):Practical policies can combat gender inequality, Nature 523, No.7558,  7   

  • Scientific American Board of Editors: A last right for dying patients, Scientific American       312 ,No.6, 7    
  • Gould J.,(2015):Genie in a vector, Nature 515, No. 7528 Suppl.,6-7 (the supplement is Nature Outlook Haemophilia)                                                                                                                     

  • Stix G.,Lifting the curse of Alzheimer's, Scientific American 312, No.5 , 

These articles are really interesting ranging from artificial intelligence and gender equality in science to research into treatments for haemophilia and hereditary Alzheimer's. If you do read them do tell me which one you liked the most and why.


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