Saturday, October 25, 2014

A new blog!!!

I have been thinking about launching a new blog on this theme(very big one with many other subjects from it)for quite a while-you can already guess about what it's about:Science!!!(happy dance,awkward dance moves,I don't care at all about that)
As you know(or at least I think you do?) I'm already running a beauty/lifestyle/kind of  blog called Manhattan Snow and this one will be my little side of scientific filled paradise,because although I mentioned I do love to read I did not mention the fact that I'm pretty much into science on the daily basis.
My posts here will be very diverse but they will be a little more oriented towards biology/medicine.From on point facts  to more detailed stories and research I've been reading lately for example.
I want this blog to be interesting for both science lovers and those who read just out of curiosity.It will take some time for me to do just that since it will always be a work-in-process but practice makes perfect,right?
Everything here will be written by me(my opinions of course) and not taken from other sites.

I hope this will blossom into a very beautiful and exciting blog ,so here we go!!!

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